Feds Seize Million Dollar Bill?

I was reading WorldNetDaily this morning when I came across this article talking about the Secret Service seizing counterfit million dollar bills.

Basically, it boils down to this:

As WorldNetDaily reported, the controversy began Thursday when the agents visited the Great News Network in Denton, Texas, and threatened to arrest staffer Tim Crawford for hiding evidence in a counterfeiting investigation. The agents took 8,300 tracts and left their business cards and a receipt.

The Christian group argues, however, that "million-dollar" bills can't be counterfeited because they don't exist, and the tracts – which include a "not legal tender" disclaimer on the front – present the Christian salvation message on the opposite side.

So, to Ray Comfort, the Great News Network, and Living Waters Ministries, I say keep going.  I'd stick with this and fight it.  As you say:

"The thinking is that if agents show a judge a copy of the $1 million tract, he would laugh till he cried and then, after catching his breath, he would thank the agents for a good laugh and then ask them to stop wasting his time," he explained.

IMB Controversy

I've stayed silent on this issue, but I thought I would take some time today and make a post about it. Just in case you haven't heard, the International Mission Board's board of trustees recently voted to change some candidate requirements. I'm not going to comment on what I think about it…I'm just going to blog about a misinterpret of the policy I have read (most of the problems people have with the policy revolve around this sort of thing, so this one is fairly representative).

Will Shin states on his blog "…it [baptism] is to be administered by ordained ministers only."

I think this is an incorrect interpretation. The policy simply states (you can read the whole thing ) ""…Baptism must take place in a church that practices believer’s baptism by immersion alone, does not view baptism as sacramental or regenerative, and a church that embraces the doctrine of the security of the believer." How do you read that and get that you have to be baptised by an ordaned minister? It simply means that the church where your baptism takes place has to believe in certain things…the body you join when you are baptised must believe certain things. If you are baptised outside in the creek (like many people are) are still valid (remember, a church isn't a building…it is a group of people), yes your baptism still counts.

[Update 10 March 2007] – As I was putting this post up on Maxsons.org, this one had formatting issues.  When I went to the link I had for Will Shin's blog, I realized that I missrepresented Will's position.  He was simply quoting Wade Burleson…he was not taking the position 

Work In Key West

Want to volunteer to do some work somewhere? Check out Key West. Here is an e-mail request I received from 5th St. Baptist Church:


Fifth Street Baptist Church
1311 Fifth Street
Dr. Charles Owens, Pastor
Project Coordinator Jacques (Jack) Dietz
Phone 305-296-2832 Church 305-294-2255

8 Camper sites Full 50 and 30 amps, Sewer and water, Cable TV, Wireless internet, WIFI Can sleep in Air Condition class rooms. Restrooms and shower. Washer and Dryer.

Tear off hot tar and gravel roof 4-12 pitch. Two story. Replace plywood if needed. Replace facia if needed. Install felt paper.

Tear out crew
Remove old drywall. Remove floor tile (Asphalt).

Electrician / Air condition
Replace receptacles. Wire air conditioners. Install new split systems. Run some inside conduit, pull wire.

Hang drywall. Install new base cabinets. Hang new doors. Paint, Replace windows.

If you can help, call the contact information at the top!

Tracts Online

My tract is finally online! If you want to take a look at it, check out the Witnessing Tools section of our website.

If you have an idea for a new tract, simply send me an e-mail. My contact information can me found here.

Key West Disaster Relief Trip

For those wondering why I haven't posted anything in the last week, Cyndi and I went on a SBC Disaster Relief trip. We started out going to LaPlace, LA; however, we ended up in Key West, FL. Cyndi is working on writing a narrative about the trip which I'll post once it is done. I am working on a video showing details of our trip (which I'll post once I get it done). In the meantime, you probably want to see the pictures we took. Follow the link below to see the pictures. Enjoy!

Hurricane Wilma Key West Disaster Relief Pictures

Disaster Relief Trip

Cyndi and I have volunteered to go with the SBC of Virginia the last week of October. We called our church contact after training and told him our avialability. So far, we haven't heard anything back yet. Hopefully that will change…I'm excited about going down.