This is just amazing….
The Maxson Homepage on the WWW
Neat videos I've found online
This is just amazing….
I stumbled across this video this morning. I, for one, have never thought about an astronaut having to readjust to gravity after being in space.
You can download the video here
This is cool….
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I saw this before a film and have been looking for it forever. Hilarious!
orange spot expendables 2 from Daniel on Vimeo.
Here are two more adverts that cleverly play on US and UK differences. While neither of them are as good as the Enterprise UK advert, they are neat. The first is with Jennifer Aniston.
This video is archived here if it ever comes off youtube.
The second one is with Bruce Willis and is the better of the two. It fits his movie personality very well.
I saw this commercial / advert on TV a few days ago and laughed and laughed. I liked the fact that a US company would poke fun of themselves this way. Here you go:
This video is archived here just in case it ever comes off youtube
[Update 2013-02-08 07:07:17] Sky is also playing this game craftily. Here are two of their internet adverts.
This is insane….. Go to the 57 sec mark when they rotate…it’s like they fly into a huge rain band.