I think if I had the money to afford a yacht, I'd buy one of these instead. They look uber cool.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5968747/Why-men-stopped-offering-pregnant-women-seat.html Why? I can answer that: look at the way men are berated in society: We hold a door and get told off that “I
We compliment how a woman looks and get told off as creepy or worse sexual harassment
We get up to offer someone who appears pregnant a seat only to find out they aren't really
We get up to offer a pregnant woman a seat only to be told off yet again
Society can't have it both ways. Sure, wolf-whistling, cat calling, and genuine sexual harassment are all wrong and we should call them out, people being nice–like holding doors and offering seats–should be met equally politely.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5954999/Outrage-5M-taxpayers-cash-spent-security-Donald-Trumps-private-trip.html I have similar questions, but it isn’t simply Trump: Why do Americans spend so much to protect POTUS? If I were president, I’d
Reopen Pennsylvania Ave — why is it closed?
Remind them that the President is simply a man. The position is what's important and the Constitution has what to do if that man dies
The cost of protecting POTUS is outrageous in my view
Just bought one of these: http://www.gl-inet.com/products/gl-mt300n-v2/ Initial testing looks good.
Just bought one of these: http:/