IMB Visit

Well, tomorrow I leave on my trip to Richmond, VA, to meet with people at the IMB. I may or may not get a chance to post what happens over the weekend, but I'll update everyone when I get back. Here is a summary of what I have going on:

Friday@6pm: Meet with Ted about benefits, etc….
Monday@9am: Meet with Amy and Bill
Monday@10:45: Meet with Amy, Carl, and Nicole
Monday@Noon: Lunch with Amy, James, and David
Monday@1:30pm: Wrap-up

School Papers

I have been toying with the idea of releasing all the papers I wrote in school under the The GNU Free Documentation License (or something similar). What does everyone think? Right now, they are just sitting on my hard drive doing nothing. If I publish them, someone may get some use out of them.

Face of Jesus?

First of all, just because I'm linking to this doesn't mean I believe it. It just means I have found this thing on the Internet I have been looking for–and it is about time. Before I give you the lowdown, here are some things to remember:

1. — The Bible says we are not to worship idols.
2. — Photography was not invented until 1827 (according to this article on
3. — Images of "Jesus" may leave us with a false impression of our Lord and lead us to worship idols

I'm linking to this more because I think it is interesting how our mind puts "stuff" together to form pictures. When I was going to Marshall, someone game me a business card size card with this picture on the front and the story on the back. Ever since then, I have been trying to find it on the Internet. I thought it was very neat then, and I wanted to share it with everyone.




The image above has circulated in Britain since the late 1950s. It contains a face of Christ, but not everyone can see it straight away. The story that goes with it says it was taken by a Chinese photographer who was riding home one day through the snow. According to the story…


His soul was troubled. He had been witnessing a great movement towards Christianity among his friends since the Japanese invasion. He longed to know the truth of what he had been hearing from Christian missionaries.

As he rode along he said, "Lord, if I could only see your face, I would believe." Instantly a voice spoke to his heart, "Take a picture. Take a picture."

He looked out at the melting snow forming pools of water and revealing here and there the black earth. It was an unattractive scene. Nevertheless, being thus strangely compelled, the man descended and focused his camera on the snowy roadway.

Curious to know the outcome of the incident, he developed the film at once upon returning to his home. Out from the black and white areas of the snow scene a face looked at him, full of tenderness and love – the face of Christ. He became a Christian as a result of this experience.


I was reading an e-mail from E-Week I recevied today. It linked to Ed's Gripelog. I found this site rather interesting reading. He seems to help people out when hey have a legit gripe against a company. It also gives people a place to gather and share stories about companies they have done business with.

Interesting Links

A buddy of mine, Alan, was googling around and sent me the following links. They look interesting, and so I thought I would pass them along to you.

Capture a photo of your special event in a beautifully oil-finished, solid birch wood heirloom bowl. A unique way to preserve the memory of a wedding, birthday, sporting event, retirement, or just your favorite person or pet.

  • Scan in a yearbook photo
  • Crayon By Number prints out a numbered (Paint By Number style)outline
  • Use a box of Crayola crayons to color in the outline to create a life-like self portrait!

    The Resurrection: A Harmonization of the New Testament Accounts

    I was browsing various blogs today, and came across this post. It seems that sometime in the past, a skeptic challenged Christians to harmonize the accounts of the resurrection. Well, it appears to have been done. This link will take you to the page where it is done. I'm linking to it ti here to get it distributed as widely as possible. The author…

    put this together a number of years ago. A skeptic had put forward what was supposed to be an unanswerable challenge: to take all the passages in the Bible beginning with the day of Jesus’ resurrection and continuing to the day of his ascension, and without omitting anything write a simple narrative that is chronological and leaves out nothing.


    Scheduling Defrag

    Have you ever asked your computer geek about problems you are having with your computer? Has his answer ever been "when was the last time you defragged your hard drive?" What kind of answer is that? That doesn't help any. Now, you have to sit in front of your computer for 3, 4, 5, or 10 hours while this application ran. And to top that off, you didn't know what you were even looking at! Well, I have found the answer. Kelly's Korner has an article talking about scheduling the defragger that comes with Windows. The article can be found here. You want to scroll down to the Add a Scheduled Task section.

    But, to keep you from looking it up, here are the basics:

    1. — open up notepad

    2. — cut and paste the following code into the text window (this is from Kelly's Korner):

    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Dim fso, d, dc
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set dc = fso.Drives
    For Each d in dc
    If d.DriveType = 2 Then
    Return = WshShell.Run("defrag " & d, 1, TRUE)
    End If
    Set WshShell = Nothing

    3. — Save the file. Make sure when you do you select all files in the Save as Type dialog box. If you don't notepad will autoappend .txt to the end of your filename. This is not what you want. You can save it where ever you want, just make sure you remember where you save it.

    4. — Now, add a scheduled task to run the file. The ways to do this vary, but the control panel has a scheduled task wizard you can use to set one up.

    I have mine scheduled to defrag every Saturday evening.

    File Sharing

    For those of you who don’t know what is going on, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments in MGM Studios v. Grokster today. This case is the modern high-tech equivalent of the 1983 Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios betamax case.

    The question the court is really being asked to decide is “Who is responsible for the actions of an individual”. This question is really the same question the court had to decide in 1983. Was Sony responsible for how people used their betamax VCRs or was the person? Is Grokster responsible for the files people share using its application? Are firearms manufactures responsible when criminals use guns to commit crime and murder people? Is microsoft responsible when people copy CDs using a computer running windows?

    In their zeal to limit illegal copying and distribution of media these companies are treading on dangerous ground. The corporations who make this technology are not responsible for what their end users do with the technology. Just like firearms can be used legaly (hunting, self-defense, etc…) or illegally (to commit crimes and murder people), Grokster can be used to legally transfer files. Not everyone restricts the use of their copyrighted material to the degree that traditional media companies have. Just think about all the open source software that could be transferred via these file sharing tools. How about all the classic literature that is in the public domain and in a digial format thanks to Project Gutenberg.

    Then, what ramifications will this have on the concept of Fair Use? Regardless of what they may say, it is perfectly leagal for me to copy a CD I purchased onto a cassette so I can listen to it in my car. It is perfectly legal for me to rip a CD I purchased to mp3s so I can listen to them on my ipod.

    Fair Use is fairly important because it allows for things like quoting articles, making parodies, etc…. It ensures that we can use “stuff” we have leagally acquired in certain ways that are “fair”. Imagine if you had to get permission from someone to quote two or three sentences from their book and write a scathing review of it. It would be hard to show examples of why you didn’t like something, wouldn’t it?

    What is illegal is me making copies and distributing them. I know, I know, you are saying but I don’t charge anything…it’s legal as long as I give it away. Plain and simple, IT IS ILLEGAL. The copyright holder has all the rights regarding distibution, etc…. So, unless they have told you otherwise (either by licensing the content under something like the GPL or Creative Commons or by them telling you it’s ok) you cannot distribute their “stuff”.

    Anyway, I have digressed. I agree that we need to curb intelectual property theft. People need to understand–clearly understand–what can and cannot be done with material. People need to understand that copying other’s “stuff” is illegal unless they tell you that you can. These media companies need to understand that we the consumer need the ability to use what we have purchased. Everyone needs to understand that just because people use something illegally doesn’t mean that thing is illegal…it simply means that that person is doing something illegal.

    [Update 2012-12-26 15:43:09] The link for the sony vs universal case at didn’t work.  I replaced it with a wikipedia link.

    Prayer Request

    My parents are working towards going on a mission trip with the IMB to work with an "almost" unreached People Group. I say almost unreached because there are only a few christians in this people group. They have heard the gospel, but they are still in spiritual darkness. Pray for my parents that they will do God's will and everything will work out how it needs to for them.