I geotag all of the pictures I can. Why? Well because I think it is cool to be able to go back and see exactly where I took the pictures. I don’t have to remember. Now, I’m careful about pictures I take at home, etc….
but, as an example of the usefulness of this, check out what this guy did. He made this map showing how many pictures are in each lat/long square in the earth. Pretty cool. The image above is what he made.
Just wanted to let everyone know that we arrived safe and sound in the UK this morning. Along with 2 kids and 14 of our bags. Besides a bumpy first 1/3, the flight was uneventful.
Has to be the best thing in the world. Of course, in my book, there isn’t any other way to have stuffing. If it isn’t in the turkey, it is just overcooked, dried out, and burnt 😉
I can’t believe it is already time to leave the US and return to England. At the beginning of the summer, I never thought 5 months would pass so fast. I also never thought that I wouldn’t get to do so much stuff. I left the UK with lots of plans….I’ve done about 1/2 of it.
But, we drove tons (our jeep had about 11,000 miles put on it over the summer). We got to see lots of friends. We got to see lots of friends that we hadn’t seen since we left the US 4 years ago. We got to do some sightseeing (Cass, etc…). I did a lot of not blogging (I’ve only blogged a few times and most of that was in the past week).
I expect I’ll get back into blogging when we get back to England and get into the swing of life again. I’ll try to post that we’ve arrived. I’ll also try to make a post when our small crate of stuff gets there.
Holy cow….I can’t believe it has been all summer and I haven’t posted anything. I’m sorry about that. I’ll blame it on bad internet and travels.
But, before we fly back to England, I had to get a new bag. I bought the ebags Motherlode mini 21. I was looking for a caryon sized bag made of nylon. I travel a lot for work so I wanted something sturdy. And roomy.
I think I scored on this bag. It has a lifetime warranty. It is built rock solid. And it is real roomy. Eventually, I’ll post some shots but I’ve got everything in it that was in my older caryon with room to spare. The blue that came was more grey-blue than in the image, but everything else was spot on.
My only complaint…..it came with some rods I had to install. The instructions pointed to a page on the ebags site that doesn’t exist. So I did a search. I finally found the right video on installing the ebags tls rods. The link is here for anyone else that is searching. Feel free to fast forward to the 4 minute mark…the first part of the video is simply a sales presentation.
[Update 2011-09-21 10:43:22] I forgot to give credit for the picture. It is actually a screenshot from the ebags website. I snagged it and put it on flickr just so I could use it for this post. Thanks ebags.