The International Mission Board is calling for a Week of Prayer for International Missions starting this Sunday (4 Dec – 11 Dec).
Just wanted to let everyone know that I did go deer hunting last week and I did harvest. I expect to have pictures posted soon. Also, my cousin, Adam, also harvested. I'll post pictures of his deer too. Good luck to everyone else in the woods! Stay safe!
Work In Key West
Want to volunteer to do some work somewhere? Check out Key West. Here is an e-mail request I received from 5th St. Baptist Church:
Fifth Street Baptist Church
1311 Fifth Street
Dr. Charles Owens, Pastor
Project Coordinator Jacques (Jack) Dietz
Phone 305-296-2832 Church 305-294-22558 Camper sites Full 50 and 30 amps, Sewer and water, Cable TV, Wireless internet, WIFI Can sleep in Air Condition class rooms. Restrooms and shower. Washer and Dryer.
Tear off hot tar and gravel roof 4-12 pitch. Two story. Replace plywood if needed. Replace facia if needed. Install felt paper.Tear out crew
Remove old drywall. Remove floor tile (Asphalt).Electrician / Air condition
Replace receptacles. Wire air conditioners. Install new split systems. Run some inside conduit, pull wire.Carpenter
Hang drywall. Install new base cabinets. Hang new doors. Paint, Replace windows.
If you can help, call the contact information at the top!
Disaster Relief Movie — Key West Oct 2005
I finally have my movie of our disaster relief trip complete. The video itself is 5 min and 10 sec. long. It has music, so make sure you have your speakers on. I don’t have a streaming media server, so you’ll have to download the video to your hard drive before you play it.
Please note that I have compressed the video with the Divx compressor. If the video doesn’t play, you will have to download and install the plugin. You can do that from here. I would recommend NOT giving them your e-mail address in step 1, unchecking the I would like to get updates, and choosing the DivX play bundle only. If you have any questions, you can send me an e-mail (my information can be found here.).
2005 SBCV Disaster Relief Trip to Key West — low quality — 6 Mb
2005 SBCV Disaster Relief Trip to Key West — high quality — 10 Mb
2005 SBCV Disaster Relief Trip to Key West — very high quality — 38 Mb
2005 SBCV Disaster Relief Trip to Key West — encoded to upload to google — 116 Mb
Please note that the very high quality video is hosted on another site because I didn’t have enough sace on my primary host. The speed will be slower, so be patient if you download it.
If you want to request a higher quality download, just send me an e-mail (my information can be found here.).
Update — I have posted a torrent to the high quality version. If you don’t know what a torrent is, don’t worry about it right now. I’ll post some instructions later to help you out. If you are the currious adventurous sort, go visit the Bittorrent Homepage.
[Update 2012-12-26 07:27:42] The links to the media needed redone. They are fixed. I don’t see any need to have a torrent for a 30MB file in today’s world so I removed it. Heck, I haven’t seeded the file in so long I doubt it would work even if I had it up. I also added a version that I encoded to upload to google video, back in the day.
Indians to Christians — Convert or be Burnt girls shot near church
Radicals threaten to burn Christians to death
Warn of consequences if they don't reconvert to Hinduism by Sunday
Posted: November 17, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern© 2005
More than 60 Christian converts in northern India will be burned to death if they refuse to return to Hinduism by Sunday, a group of extremists has warned. To my Indian Brothers and Sisters: I'm praying for you. Let your light shine and allow others to see God in your life
Machine Guns
One of the blogs I was reading last night had a link to this google video. I watched it and wished I could have been there. I wonder how much it cost?
Veterans Day
For those who don't know, today is Veteran's Day in the US. It is a day where we honor those who have served in the military to defend our freedom and the freedom of other peoples around the world.
I, for one, am very thankful to those who have served. Thank you for serving!
The following picture was received by me in the e-mail many years ago. I'm posting it here so others can see it. I don't know who the copyright holder is or how to contact them. If you own the copyright to this picture, contact me and let me know what you would want me to do with your material (remove it, credit it, etc….).
More On Wilma
The secretary of 5th St. Baptist Church (where we set up while we were in Key West) sent us a link to this video. In some of the shots you can see the church, if you know what you are looking for.
Christian girls shot near church
Christian girls shot near church
Posted: November 9, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern© 2005
Two 17-year-old Christian girls were shot yesterday in the second recent attack of its kind in Indonesia.
Washington, D.C.-based International Christian Concern said two armed men shot the girls – Siti Nuraini and another identified only as Ivon – at close range with pistols near a Pentecostal church in Poso, Central Sulawesi.
Both girls are in critical condition, in a coma.
The attacks followed the beheadings of three Christian high school students in the area late last month.
ICC said the new attack took place as 10 national police officials of the Muslim-majority nation were in Central Sulawesi probing the beheadings.
According to some reports, the perpetrators of the beheadings are in custody but have not been formally charged.
The Poso area, which has a relatively large Christian population, has seen at least 40 attacks recently against the Christian community, including shootings, killings and major bombings.
ICC says there have been no convictions or arrests in any of these attacks.
WND reported the story above today at We need to remember to pray for our Christian brothers and sisters around the world who have to endure persecution like this.
Why aren’t we like this???
Although China allows "belief" in a religion, the Chinese constitution does not guarantee the right to practice that religion. Adults often face severe consequences for religious actions but generally are not required to deny their faith. However, officials attempt to weaken children's faith by encouraging them to deny Jesus altogether. According to Open Doors, Public Security Bureau officers recently burst into a Sunday school room and herded 30 children into a van. Despite the scary situation, one child started singing. The van soon was filled with song. Upon arrival at the police station, the children marched bravely into the interrogation room still singing to the Lord. Threatened with having to write "I do not believe in Jesus" 100 times before they would be released, the children instead wrote: "I believe in Jesus today. I will believe in Jesus tomorrow. I will believe in Jesus forever!" Exasperated, officials called the children's parents, some of whom denied Christ. When a widowed believer came to pick up her twin sons, she refused to deny Jesus. The officers threatened her: "If you do not deny Jesus, we will not release your sons!" The widow replied, "Well, I guess you will just have to keep them, because without Jesus, there would be no way for me to take care of them!" With no avenues left open to them, the officials said, "Take your sons and go!"
Give thanks and praise to God for the faithful witness of these children. Pray the light of their faith will brighten the spiritual darkness around them. Pray God will continue to strengthen them as they face the pressures of adulthood.
That was one of many things in the VOM Prayer Alert this week. Think about this brothers and sisters in America: what would you have done? What would your kida have done? Why? Christians in America need to get a backbone. We have a big God (well, we have the only true God) and we need to start acting like it!