I’m not sure what to think? Who, exactly has used chemical weapons in Syria?
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I’m not sure what to think? Who, exactly has used chemical weapons in Syria?
Obama (well, the Department of Health and Human Services) has asked for people to submit commercials to help drum up support for Obamacare. Yep…the same Obamacare that has had portions of it delayed and delayed. Anyway, here’s one done by a conservative group pointing out some of the not so nice features. I saw it first here on The Mental Recession.
The sequester is bad? Government can’t cut any more? The government needs more of our money? Check out
If he’d ask Congress I think the results would be similar. But he is the commander-in-chief. But I also think his red line talk painted the US into a corner.
Doesn’t mean I think we should trash the planet.
And that is the bit that got lavabit in trouble…storing plain text emails encrypted on the server. The provider shouldn’t be able to read them.
Here’s my solution:
SSL/TLS in transit
Pgp/gpg encrypted bodies
Encrypted storage on the server with no backdoors
Granted it is produced in the UK for the UK; however, having watched half of an episode this evening, I think it is clear. People on the dole today have it way to easy. They are more than simply taken care of…they are given luxuries by the taxpayer that are excessive. For the record I don’t mind helping people who are down and out temporary….or those why legitimately cannot work. But those who can work should.