I was surfing the web today and came across a picture (click the read more link to see it). It made me stop, think, and wonder. As a Christian, I realize that lost people act…well…lost. But, in my mind, this goes beyond that. The picture has a young girl (perhaps < 10) performing what I see as a distincly American act (remember the scene in Top Gun? No, not that one…the other one. The one where Goose and Mavrick are keeping up international relations. Get the idea??), to a way older woman (80s or 90s) in a country where your anscestors and older people are supreme.
So, did the girl know what she was going? Who knows. I’ve met kids here in Serbia who are 5 or 6 and can cuss like sailors. And that is all of the english they know. Do they really know what they are saying? I don’t know. Probabaly not. I like to think not. But, I don’t know. If they don’t know, then what does that say about our country and what we export to the rest of the world? If they do know, shouldn’t that cause us Christians to think and share the love of Jesus with them?
I put the picture after the jump becase…well, I don’t know. If you want to see it, click through. If you don’t, don’t worry about it.
By the way, on the photographer’s website, he has a captiony type thing. Here it is:
I realize capture this moment when reviewed some photos I had capture that day on my PC.
Maybe she’s only joking, but what’s she doing, personally not permissible for me.
Why a little girl on her age doing act like that ?
Maybe she’s only follower from TV action, I don’t know.
I can’t understand.
Something wrong about young generation surroundings me.
Shame for me…but that fact I found on the street.
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