I just finished Atlas Shrugged: (Centennial Edition) by Rand, Ayn on Kindle for Android! http://www.amazon.com/kindleforandroid/
British English words not used in American English
like was said
Where does it end? If “love” is the reason where does it end?
Neat article on kitee
Love at First Kite: How Pizza and Pente Led to One Oklahoman’s High-Flying Obsession
we need real barbershops
I’ve had problems everywhere we’ve lived finding a real barbershop. We need more….
Why walk? This is a good article.
neat video — aircraft carriers
You can download the video here
Vaclav Havel Airport Prague — leaving
Vaclav Havel Airport Prague 220 111 888 Aviatická 1039/6, 161 00 Prague 6-Ruzyně http://m.google.cz/u/m/QDOrpt
{JoooidContent “type” : “map” , “id” : “1366373221157” , “width” : “400” , “height” : “300” , “align” : “center” , “latitude” : “50.108176” , “longitude” : “14.269053” , “map_type” : “MapTypeId.ROADMAP” , “zoom” : “7” , “text” : “Vaclav Havel Airport Prague”}
this is cool — washcloth in space
This is cool….
{JoooidContent “type”: “youtube” ,”id” : “o8TssbmY-GM” ,”width” : “400” ,”height” : “300” ,”align” : “center” ,”allowFullscreen” : “false” ,”theme” : “light” ,”hd” : “0” ,”autoplay” : “0”}
food point
Rush had some good analysis of Obama’s tempertantrum yesterday.
1. Did he get this upset when Americans were killed in Benghazi?
2. This was supposed to fail. But fail in the house so Obama could blame the Republicans. Instead it failed in the Democratic Senate because of Reid’s 60 votes needed for amendments.
Obama Flashes Anger After Senate Democrats Let His Anti-Gun Bill Fail