I found this picture of Lydia today looking through some flickr pictures.
The Maxson Homepage on the WWW
I was reading the BBC today and came across this article about how Australians like their hot dogs (they call them snags) well done on the grill (barbie). I only have one thing to say:
They’ve never tried cooking hot dogs over a fire and getting them well done.
The first challenge is getting the fire hot. But not too hot. But not too cold either.
Then you’ve got to figure out what to put the dog on (stick or metal stick. We gave up cutting sticks when we found the metal forks at Cabelas)
Then you’ve got to cook the dogs. They need to be done. But not burnt. But not underdone either.
To the left is a picture of us cooking dogs at the farm. Prijatno!!
Before Christmas, Cyndi and I had some friends invite us to their place for dinner (;unch actually…but it was at 5pm!). We had Sarma. It is rice, meat, etc… rolled up in cabbage leaves and cooked. Lydia had some and really loved it. Here is a picture of her.
P.S. Randy, I’ll never forget what you said about stuff wrapped up in green leaves…but this was really good.