Neat Picture


That is my grandpa and grandma maxson.  I don’t remember when it was taken, but flickr says May 9 2005.

New Pictures Posted


I just wanted to let everyone know that I have posted new pictures to the website.

These pictures were taken on Memorial Day 2006 at Blackwater Falls in Davis, WV. Cyndi and I decided to stop by on our way home from the Farm (we don’t have many pictures of the falls in Spring/Summer….most of our pictures of the falls are in the winter.).

Over Memorial Day weekend, a bunch of family got together in Berea to do some work on the farm and in Berea. On Sunday, since we didn’t work, we went to Cabela’s in Wheeling, WV. These are pictures of that trip.

If you are looking for some pictures taken of the actual clean-up work, my gallery of random pictures from last week has a few (I was working so I didn’t take time to take pictures with our real camera).

[Update 2012-12-26 13:40:20] Redid the picture links


Cyndi and I went to the farm this past weekend.  I ended up with lots of pictures…I should have them posted in the next day or two.  When they are up, I'll let everyone know.

Old Farm House Picture

My mom scanned the picture of the old farm house at Otterslide. Just in case anyone wants it on their computer, I thought I would post it here so you could have it.

To download, just right-click and choose save as.

Old Farm House

[Update 2013-01-03 06:29:37] I thought I had lost this picture when I redid the website; however, my Uncle Dan scanned his copy and resent it.  It is on flickr now….you can go there and get most any size of it you want.


July 4th

Sorry for the delay since my last post. Cyndi and I went to visit my Grandparents over the 4th of July weekend. The drive seemed to take forever! We did some little stuff around the farm: messed with the horses, pitched horseshoes, messed with the horses, worked on a pond, messed with the horses…. Get the point?! We spent a ton of time messing with horses! I have some pics I'll post probably this evening once I get them off the camera.