First off, days 4 and 5 were over the weekend. I didn’t workout on Saturday. Saturday was free day. I don’t work out on Sundays.
Here’s today’s fat secret log.
My weight was up over the weekend; however, I’m not concerned. The trend is in the right direction. Also….
Another principle in the Body for Life book was don’t try to chase daily weights. Take weight for a week and average it. Then, do the same the next week. Then, compare those two averages. Why? Well, because your daily weight changes. I can make my weight change +/- 5 lbs by drinking or not drinking enough water, eating a large meal, or having a bm. Average everything then compare the average. Use trends to make sure you are going in the right direction.
As an aside, my own history and seeing fluctuations for myself (and knowing how they came about) makes me laugh when I hear people talking about wanting to lose 5lbs or less. You breathe hard or eat a large meal and you can make that change…. :^)
image from synergy by jasmine via flickr