English. The heart language (native language) of most people in the US. It is also the heart language of many people in the UK. But they aren’t the same. Oh no. I would say there is 70% (or more) overlap; however, there are differences. In fact, there is a whole page on wikipedia about AME and BE differences.
I’ve been reading it today and it has been so long since my English classes that I don’t understand lots of it. Verb tenses are hard. Sure, I understand past, present, and future; however, it gets harder when speaking about past-perfect, etc…. This section was especially difficult to understand.
I’m thinking about coming up with a quiz for kids at youth group….along the lines of: What are braces called in the US or something (btw, they are suspenders. Suspenders in the UK mean a garter belt). But that may take some time.
[Update 2011-10-15 15:54:51] I wonder if this might help?
Image from richard cawood via flickr