Happy 5 Months on the 4th!!

Is it possible that my tiny little one is already 5 months old??  She is so happy and sweet, loves to laugh and play with people and toys, and is growing bigger by the minute!  In the last few weeks, she has discovered how to roll over and amuses herself greatly when she does.  Though she mostly rolls from her back to her stomach using her right side, it’s only a matter of time before she figures out how to roll the other direction.  Lydia has also started rice cereal.  She had some very watery stuff on Monday and really handled it quite well.  She was sucking on the spoon and then grabbing it to play.  We gave her a little more last night and she seemed to enjoy it.  As we were having chicken for dinner, she was staring intently and reaching, so Matt let her hold and lick on a big chicken bone!  She really went for it and it’ll be interesting to see what she does next.  The other big thing was her first trip to the pool.  We slathered her in sunscreen and decked her out in a t-shirt, swim diaper, and matching hat.  Matt even got her a cool float to ride in.  She was one very unhappy camper the first few minutes.  But after a break and some snuggle time with Grandpa, we took her back into the water and she really seemed to enjoy it!!  For all of these precious moments and so many more, we have plenty of pics that will be posted in the not too distant future.

She does so many cute things all the time, but most of all I love to see her smile ad hear her precious laugh 🙂  God has been growing us individually and as a family during these past months and we have been so blessed through our ongoing adventures with Lydia!!


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