More on Lydia

Well, once again, I find myself up with Cyndi and Lydia asleep.  This morning, before Lydia went to sleep, she and I read today's My Utmost for His Highest together.  This was rather neat and something I'm going to try to continue.

We went to the pediatritian yesterday.  Lydia had gained another 5 ounces.  That puts her within  ounces of her birth weight by the 8 day mark.  The dr. was certainly pleased.  In fact, she gave us the ok to let Lydia sleep a bit longer at night since she is doing so well.  The jaundace is almost gone too.

I just wanted everyone to know that I have uploaded some new pictures of Lydia.  Cyndi and I gave her the first bath at home over the weekend.  If you want to see those pictures, they are in the gallery.  Or, you can jump to the new pictures by following this link.

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