Well…it's another HOT and HUMID day here in Richmond. All I can say is that I am sooo thankful the baby isn't due til winter! I cannot imagine being 3rd trimester during summer in the south!! As for 1st trimester, I'm hanging in there. Last week was good sickness-wise and I was continuing to feel well until yesterday, when I felt pretty terrible most of the day. This morning was rough too, but after taking it easy for a while, this afternoon has been okay. Matt and I got to enjoy a late lunch at an awesome chinese buffet in town and I just stuck with basic stuff like chicken/shrimp with broccoli. My big splurge was crab rangoon…which is my absolute favorite! So far I still feel good, and I'm hopeful that will continue to be the case throughout the evening :^)
I've been pretty tired lately, but part of that is the result of working 6-day weeks with little kids for the last 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to next week, when I'll start a few weeks of down-time. I love what I do, but I'm ready to catch up on my rest and do some "baby" reading.
As for the rest of our 4th… we had a nice time exploring the bookstore and walking around the mall. I even ducked into Motherhood Maternity to check things out. It looks like they may have good sale racks, so I'm sure I'll have to investigate further in coming months. It was good to get out, but it's nice to be home where we can spend the rest of the evening relaxing with the Tour de France! Matt sure will be disappointed if "Little One" doesn't like cycling!!