Persecution Blog is reporting that a pastor jailed in Vietnam has been released.
Pastor Quang Released from Vietnamese Prison The Voice of the Martyrs has received news that Pastor Nguyen Hong Quang was released from prison on the afternoon of August 30. It is unknown if his release is related to a recently announced amnesty in conjunction with celebrations of Vietnam's independence. More details about the circumstances and conditions of his release will be made public as they become available.
Approximately 100 Christian leaders remain imprisoned in Vietnam. Glenn Penner, spokesman for VOMC, expressed his continued concerns, "While we welcome Pastor Quang's release from prison, we expect the Vietnamese government to grant him full liberty to pick up his responsibilities with the Mennonite Church of Vietnam without conditions or restrictions. We also urge the Vietnamese government to release evangelist Pham Ngoc Thach and other Christians who are still unjustly imprisoned."
Praise God for this unexpected release and for His goodness, faithfulness and mercy. Continue to pray for Pastor Quang, his wife and church members, as government pressure will undoubtedly continue.
For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Vietnam, as well as more information on Pastor Quang, go to