Dr. Criswell
was called to be pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. The legendary George Truett, after forty-seven years as pastor, had died. The young Criswell was given the daunting task of following this great preacher.
Under his leadership the church grew dramatically. In his early years as pastor he preached through the entire Bible, taking almost eighteen years to complete the task. He was known for his stand on the inerrancy of Scripture and wrote the important book “Why I Preach the Bible Is Literally True.” He became the leader against liberalism among Southern Baptists.
After a full life of ministering the Word he loved, Dr. Criswell was called home to Heaven on January 9, 2002.
–From the Sword of the Lord
If you are interested, the W. A. Criswell Foundation has put his sermons online so you can download and listen to them.