Today, I started working out again. I thought I would blog a bit about the program I’m doing. Last time, I did the biggest looser on my xbox. The only problem with that was keeping it up while I travelled. Even though I really enjoy really enjoyed riding my bike back when I did, I couldn’t spend more than 5 minutes on a stationary bike (it is just way different…I can’t explain but it has to do with the lack of things going by me on the stationary bike). I never did get into running. So, I turned to the internet.
Last night, I found workoutlabs‘ free programs:
Ultimate At-Home No Equipment Workout (local mirror)
Bodyweight At-Home (local mirror)
Let me just say that I felt way way out of shape when I started. Even though I’ve been walking to work the past year, I’m way out of shape. I’m a far cry from when I got on my bike, and decided to make an extra loop just to pound out a metric century.
Anyway, after the first day’s workout, I feel good. Even though it was tough and I had to take several breaks. That should get better as I get into it.
Image from nina hale via flickr