Today on Fox News, I saw this article about the longest plane rides you can take today. Here’s the summary:
* United Airlines Flight 117/118 – Newark to Hong Kong (16 hours, 8,078 miles)
* Qantas Flight 7/8 – Sydney to Dallas (16 hours, 8,575 miles)
* Cathay Pacific Multiple Routes – Newark/New York to Hong Kong (16 hours, 5 minutes, 8,078 miles)
* South African Airways Flight 203/204 – Johannesburg to New York (16 hours, 15 minutes, 7,954 Miles)
* Qatar Airways Flight 77/78 – Doha to Houston (16 hours, 20 minutes, 8,016 miles)
That got me wondering about the longest flight I ever took. Turns out it was in 2007 when I flew from JFK to BKK on Thai Airways Flight 973. According to Wikipedia, that flight was 8,676 miles and scheduled for 17 hours. I remember it…we flew north out of JFK, almost over the Noth Pole, south over China (and some interesting deserts) then on to BKK.
I think the next runner-up was when we flew from Cairo to JFK on TWA in 1996 (I think). That was something like 14 hours/
How about you? What’s the longest flight you’ve ever been on?