want more proof….

Not raising the debt ceiling does not equal default.  Run the numbers… You tell me.

[Update 2013-10-08 06:09:36] Here’s some of the exact numbers from the article. It works out better than I expected

Tax Income:  $3.042 trillion
Debt Interest: $237 billion
Cash after paying Interest: $3.042 trillion – $237 billion = $2.805 trillion

The government can then pay:

Social Security (retirement and disability) – $848 billion
Medicare – $505 billion
Medicaid – $298 billion
Defense – $582 billion
Veterans – $83 billion
That leaves about $500 billion.

You are seriously going to sit there and tell me the rest of the government can’t slim down to run on $500 million million? Seriously?

[Update 2013-10-09 19:03:15] Looks like there’s some truth in this.  Moody’s (the debt people) agree with this idea that a non-increase in the debt ceiling does not equal a default.  And the liberals have taken to calling people like me “truthers” (as if the truth is a bad thing).

On another note, I was having a conversation with a person today.  They said a large problem with this might be cash flow (not having enough tax receipts come in at the right time to make payments.  If that is the problem, I wouldn’t have any issue with a “cash allowance” extension of the limit by perhaps $50million or so.  Turns out, the House already has a bill like this that has passed (I can’t find the link I was reading earlier.  When I find it, I’ll post it)

[Update 2013-10-09 19:12:51] Here’s the reference to the bill above.  HR 807

[Update 2013-10-11 17:13:18] I’ve done some more thinking on this.  I think we should impeach Obama right now.  Why?  Based on his reckless money policy of moving money around starting in May instead of notifying Congress and reducing spending immediately to only spend monies coming in.


Neat Idea…Unfortunately….

Texas Secession

There’s only ever been one state secede from their parent state to make a new state:  West Virginia.

Scratch that.  It has happened 4 times:  a new state is formed by leaving the parent state.  The most recent one was during the US Civil War and was West Virginia.  Yes, it is allowed by the Constitution (Article 4 allows it)

Might we see it in my lifetime?  There’s a movement afoot for part of Colorado to secede and make a new state (or join with Wyoming).  Now, I’d prefer the new state route….the Senate has been stuck at 100 for quite some time.  It would also give an opportunity for some new conservative blood in the Senate.

[Update 2013-10-07 16:23:46] I can’t count.  It should have been 4 instead of three.  I’ve update the article

image from jessie 1974 via flickr

oh no…you mean that

The government would have to cut spending?  Sounds like a good way to force living within its means.  A big cleaver approach and not the best way for sure…but we’ve long passed the opportunity for that.

I’d pass a law forcing the payment of things monthly in this order:

1. Debt payments to not default
2. Military expenses necessary for immediate defense (not the complete budget for the Pentagon… Enough to keep safe)
3. Social security and welfare payments
4. I doubt there’d be any left at this point but I’d prioritize the rest with things like the education department, HUD, and other such fluff things at the bottom.

This would make sure people could eat, have shelter, and the nation would be defended.  But be sure the liberals would scream and not pass it.  Barry would then spend spend spend and miss a debt payment.  The media would blame the Republicans but… Just like with the shutdown…the liberals would be to blame.

[Update 2013-10-08 06:18:35]  Using CBO numbers for 2014 work out even better than expected.  Check out this article.  In short, with expected tax receipts, the government could:

1) pay interest
2) fully fund the social welfare programs
3) fully fund the military
4) have about $500 billion left for the rest of government to function on


Email from my Rep.

I just received this email from my Rep.  Here’s a quote:

 “So here’s where we are: my colleagues and I in the House have been at the negotiating table for weeks, but two seats have remained empty – President Obama’s and Harry Reid’s.”


“The House’s position is simple: if the President wants to delay the mandate for big businesses, he should also be willing to delay the individual mandate that will be affecting the American people. And, we need to eliminate the preferential treatment given to the President, Members of Congress, and their staffs under Obamacare – Washington should live by the same laws the American people have to live by. But, the President and Harry Reid have said that they will not negotiate with us.”

So, I ask again…who is willing to work through this and who isn’t?

Now, you may be wanting to excuse this as a partisan hack job.  But, my rep seems real down-to-earth and level headed.  He doesn’t always agree with me (so that should tell you something) but I respect his openness and honesty.  I don’t have any reason to doubt him in this.

The fact that Obama and Reid aren’t trying to end this also shows up here.