I’m sure…


…there are people out there wondering why I’m posting such intimate details (weight, waist, neck, and body fat info) on my blog for everyone to see.  Here’s the questions/objections I can think of:

  1. No one cares, post something different.
  2. Wow, that is personal information
  3. Why?

Here’s the answers I can think of.

Answer 1:  Frankly, I don’t really care that no one cares.  I started this blog in Feb 2005 because I wanted to write on the internet.  At the time, I thought it may take the place of a journal; however, I quickly realized that wasn’t going to happen–there are things one writes in a journal that aren’t shared.  Since then, I’ve gone through highs and lows of blogging and not blogging.  But, I do this because I want to and have something to share.  You can read it or not.  Either way, it doesn’t really bother me.

Answer 2:  Yes, but if you look at me, you can see I’m heavy.  I’m way heavier than at my lowest point.  But, I’m actually below where I graduated high school at (I’m almost certain of this).  Last time I lost weight, I posted some things online, but kept waist/neck/body fat percent in a small notebook.  I don’t have a clue where that notebook is now and I’d like to be able to see what it was then (and where I actually was).

Answer 3:  I’m posting it because I want to.  In a year or so, I would like to be able to look back and see how I’ve improved.  I could keep it in a notebook; however, the last time I did that I lost the notebook.  I expect I’ll keep this website up until the WWW becomes obsolete.  I’ve even toyed with the idea of setting aside money for heirs to pay for hosting after I die.  That may seem a bit vain, but look at Sheldon Brown’s bicycle site (the best on the internet):  he wrote tons of articles that are extremely useful.  Now, I don’t have too many HOWTOs, but the ones I do have are hit quite often.  

Anyway, the main reason I’m doing this is so I can look back in a year, two, or three to compare where I am then with where I am now.  A second reason is the chance that I might encourage someone else.  Who knows if someone will search the internet and come across my posts where I talk about my change and be inspired.  From personal experience (and an all-time high weight of 290lbs) I know when I workout I feel better.

Image from kevinspencer via flickr

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