Back in 2006, I posted about reading Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald (link to the kindle book on Amazon here). Now, I don’t remember many specifics about the book…so this post is less of a review and more of a “Yes! I found the book!” post.
See, one thing has stuck with me since reading the book: to gauge how “ordered” someone has their life, don’t ask them how they are doing…ask them what they’ve been reading. For me, I can look back over the past years–6ish since I read it–and I see the times I have the least order in my life (and feel the most stressed, etc…) are the times I quit reading. I don’t read non-fiction all the time because I think it is important to mix things up.
Many times over the past 6 years, I’ve mentioned this to people; however, I could never remember the title of the book. I was looking today for some of my old posts on Body for Life (or pictures from back when I did it) and came across the post I linked to above. I thought I would post about it here simply because that simple measure has stuck with me for so long.
So, my question to you: what have you been reading lately? If you aren’t reading anything, why not?