7 Generators?!


I’ve just started watching Gold Rush Alaska.  They just mentioned those guys planned to use 7 generators to power their camp.  HOLY COW!  I can’t believe how much gasoline that must take.  I also can’t believe they can’t make do with less electric….  For example, it showed them using an electric pump to pump water out of a spring into their water tanks….they could have put the pipe up a bit and let gravity fill it up.

I’ll probably keep watching, but these guys won’t get gold unless they get lucky.  They don’t have a clue.  It makes me think of this.

I wish I could watch more Gold Fever.  Sure, the theme song is over the top, but it is an awesome show.

[Update 2012-01-14 10:46:35] The seven generators were just for their camp.  They had a large 300kw generator to power their wash plant.

Image from endora57 via flickr

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