By now, I’m sure everyone knows what Nigerian Spam is….but if not, basically someone writes you, says they have a TON of money, they can’t move it, they need to move it, and they want your help. And you’ll get to keep some of it! Wow…what a great deal, right? Well, thrown into that, they typically say they need some funds from you (either outright or, we’ll send you a check, deposit it, forward this much on, keep the rest, etc….). All in all, it is a pretty common and well known spam tatic.
Today, I woke up and saw a an e-mail in my inbox with “Dragi prijatelju” in the subject. I wondered what it was, even though I didn’t recognize the sender (a DEN Stevenson with an e-mail address of The reply to address was As I scanned it, it was in serbian but what it was became obvious fast.
I was looking at a Nigerian Spam in Serbian (Нигеријска спам на српском). I couldn’t believe it. If you want to see a screenshot of the e-mail, click the image in this post…it will take you to a larger version.
Here is the entire text of the spam message:
ENGLAND.Od; Desk ugovora direktor Subsea Oil Company:
Engr. Dennis Stevenson!Dragi prijatelju,
Ja sam navedenih osoba, ugovor direktor Subsea Oil Company. ao mi je za inconvinences moj mail moda ti uzrok, iako nismo imali bilo prije dopisnik ovaj mail, ali ja namjeravam to učiniti sa sve koji se tako moe zabrinuti.
No ja elim da dovedu do your primijetiti moje zanimanje with svoju pomoć na ovom great business priliku, negdje prole godine, na Rafinerija je generalno servisirano i mnoge druge ugovore gdje se dodjeljuju u naftnom sektoru after out prekida vatre.Dolo je pomoć od Svjetske banke, MMF-a i drugih financijskih institucija za zamjenu otećene opreme i rafinerije u cjelini. U tom je razdoblju mnogo ugovor u kojem nagrađen tolikim međunarodnim izvođačima. Svi originalni izvođači upravo je dobio svoju zavrnu fazu njihova plaćanja, ostavljajući ukupni iznos od £ 17.5 million GB Pounds plutajući u th kartoteka od Federalnog ministarstva financija neostvareno, to je rezultat preko računa ja je za vrijeme dodjele ugovora. Ovaj Ugovor je ovjeren u redu;Ovaj zbroj £ 17.5 milijuna kuna (sedamnaest i pet milijuna funti GB) ću kao i prenijeti na svoj račun odmah, to elim učiniti, je da mi provied svoje puno ime, adresu i svoj privatni broj telefona. kao cuntract direktor. ja će pripremiti sve dokument s imenom kao zbroj izvođaču radova koji je ovaj posao. A novac će biti prebačen u vae ime. U svoj račun. za svoje sudjelovanje u ovoj transakciji ja će vam ponuditi 30% od ukupnog novca, 10% izdvaja za međunarodne i lokalne expencess i 60% za mene i moje kolege.tovie, ja ću doći u susret s tobom dan-dva dana prije dolaska novca na računu se brinuti o moj udio nakon to ste uzimajući vae proviziju od 30%. Ako će biti od pomoći da vidim da je ovaj novac prenosi svoj račun, i ja sam vas uvjerila da je ovaj posao 100% legitmate osigurana i pravna sigurnost bez rizika, za Vau informaciju, ako elite vie detalja ovog poslovnog ili elite biti apsolutno sigurni u to, vi ste ljubazno i vrlo očekuje za okruglim stolom razgovor hvala.
Čekam u očekivanju na suradnji u odgovoru .Your’s
Eng. Dennis Stevenson
Ugovor direktor podvodnih Oil Company.
Here it is after being ran through Google Translate (as if you need it):
ENGLAND Subsea Oil Company (ESOC).
From; Desk Contract Manager Subsea Oil Company:
Engr. Dennis Stevenson!
Dear Friend,
I am the person mentioned, the contract manager Subsea Oil Company. Sorry for my inconvinences mail may cause you, but we did not have any correspondent before this mail, but I intend to do with all that it can be concerned.But I want to bring to your notice my interest with its assistance in this great business opportunity, sometime last year, our refinery is generally serviced and many other agreements which are allocated in the oil sector out after the cease-fire.
There was support from the World Bank, IMF and other financial institutions for replacing damaged equipment and refineries as a whole. In that period many of the contract was awarded many international performers. All the original artists had just received its final phase of their payment, leaving the total amount of £ 17.5 million GB Pounds floating in th files of the Federal Ministry of Finance unclaimed, it is because I was over the account during the contract award. This Agreement is certified in line;
This sum of £ 17.5 million kuna (seventeen and five million pounds of GB) will and transferred to your account immediately, I want to do is to provied me your full name, address, and your private phone number. cuntract as a director. I will prepare all the document with the name as a sum of the contractor who has the job. The money will be transferred to your name. To your account. for their participation in this transaction I will offer you 30% of the total money, 10% allocated to international and local expencess and 60% for me and my colleagues.
Moreover, I’ll get to meet with you a day or two days before the arrival of money in the account to take care of my share after you are getting your commission of 30%. If will be helpful to see that this money is transferred to your account, and I’m convinced you that this work 100% legitmate and legal security is assured without risk, for your information, if you want more details of this business or want to be absolutely sure of this, you are very kind and is expected to thank the roundtable discussion.I wait in anticipation of cooperation in response.
Eng. Stevenson Dennis
Contract Manager underwater Oil Company.