The Angel Experient (Maximum Ride Book 1) by James Patterson

The Angel Experiment James Patterson

I snagged this book, The Angel Experiement Book 1 by James Patterson simply because it was free. It was a decent fast read. It had some bad language in it, but the story is good. I haven’t read the rest of the series, so I’m in a lurch about where Patterson actually takes it. What’s the book about? Imagine being a cross between bird and human….that’s right, a human with wings and the ability to fly (a common dream of many people I would think). But, imagine if that came about through some kind of experimentation….. This series appears to put a group of kids in this situation. it deals with them while they are run off from their hideout by erasers and then try to find out more about their own history.

Here are some stats for the book:
Publisher: Hachette Book Group
Locations: 5,587
Errors: There were a few minor formatting errors (extra spaces, etc….)
Cost: $0.00
Overall: 5 out of 10

[Update 12-02-2010 06:04:43] Edited the Amazon links to use my new affiliate link.  For information why, see this post.  

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