Over the summer, we had a group of guys visit us. One of the things we did was take them to see some places around Serbia. In July, we went to Nis (Ni/Ниш). I’d never been there (and they certainly hadn’t been there). One of the things we saw was the Skull Tower, but we also just explored the town. Afterwards, we just went for a drive in the boonies. Below are some pictures of what we saw that day. If you want to see more, have a look at the flickr set.
From the fortress looking back towards the center of town.
There’s this mosque in town. I can’t tell if it is active or not. From the looks of the minerette, it isn’t…but who knows.
Here’s some roman ruins in the fortress in Nis
In Serbia, sometimes you see the oddest things for sale in the oddest places. Here’s an example. Not only did this lady have a table full of bras on the street, there were about 5 other people who were also selling bras on the street. Odd….
On our drive into the boonies, we came across this really nice conversion van. It looked so out of place.
It didn’t have US plates on it, but it would have looked at home in the states.