All of these videos happened here around Cacak. It took me a few days to get them off the camera and upload them to google. On to the show……
It hasn’t rained–really rained–in quite some time. It did sprinkle one day. I was waiting on language classes (I had been around town and didn’t want to get wet so I went to the school early). As it was raining, I noticed that the water was evaporating just about as fast as it was falling. I took a video to try to show everyone. Once it was uploaded, it doesn’t look nearly as good as it did live. I decided to put up two versions of it….one from google video and the other the original file. You’ll have to wait for the second one to fully load (sorry, I don’t have streaming):
First from google video:
The second local:
download the file from here
A few days ago, one of the other Americans in town had a son who had a birthday. There is a go-cart track in town that we went to. It cost 450 dinars (about 9 dollars) to ride for 10 minutes. But, these weren’t the detuned US putsy go-carts. These things were fast. If there had been enough room, you probabaly could have fone a donut. And we didn’t have to wear a seat belt or helmet. And no one got hurt. Take that nanny goverment! Anyway, here is the video:
This last one is of a random fireworks display. I was sitting at my desk last night working on the computer when I heard fireworks. That is something fairly standard here and random (people will just shoot them off. I wish I knew where they bought them from….I would have for the 4th!) so I didn’t think anything about it. However, when they kept going and going, I got up. I happened to grab my cell phone and took a movie of the last half of the show. It was amazing. I’ll ask one of my friends today if they knew what was going on.
By the way, these videos are licensed under the same creative commons license this website is.
[Update 09-07-2008 09:00:00] I took the local video off. It took way to long to load. I left the download link up though.
[Update 09-07-2008 12:29:31] I found out that one of the daughters (or daugher) of one of the richest guys in town got married. The fireworks were at the wedding. WOW!