I was surfing this morning and ended up at youtube. I started at the persecution blog and this post about the thinking blogger award. This led me to this post on the inspiration korner about the award (I was trying to find out who gives the award). I then went to the main page of the inspiration korner blog where I saw a post about a video…the video below (that’s how I went to youtube…I had to watch the video).
Here are some quotes that really hit me from the video:
I told them that [conversion to Islam] was not possible. I am a Christian. — James (10 year old boy)
Help me Lord, I do not want to deny you — Rikka (teenage girl)
Hearing things like that from believers causes me to examine myself. It also makes me think about my family. Now that God has given Cyndi and I Lydia, I have three main prayer requests for her:
- Her salvation
- That God would let Cyndi and I be ready to let her do whatever God calls her to do
- That Lydia would have a strong faith and would be willing to give the same answers if ever faced with persecution