New Diet

I just wanted to let everyone know that I've started a new diet.  I'm doing that Special K thing where you eat the cereal for 2 meals per day and eat a normal 3rd meal.  I know it isn't the best (think grapefruit diet or cabbage soup diet ); however, I needed a kickstart and this seemed to be it.

Here are a few links I found about the diet: 

Turkish Coffee


When Cyndi and I came home from Serbia, we brought my dad Serbian Coffee.  We finally gave it to him, and this really got me thinking about turkish coffee.  So, I decided to try some on my own.  I found some instructions on the web and got the smallest pan we had.

Well, it didn’t work.  For two reasons:  1) I didn’t have an ibrik and 2) I didn’t use enough coffee.

[Update 2012-03-27 15:19:52] I wrote a howto once we moved to Serbia and I actually learned how to make Serbian Coffee.  You can find my HOWTO on Making Serbian Coffee here.  I also added a picture.

Speed Limits…On The Autobahn

I just read this article on about the EU wanting Germany to put limits on the Autobahn .  Not to save lives, but to reduce emissions.  Can you believe it? 

 If you actually research the issue, you'll find the the amount of greenhouses gasses contributed by humans is virtually insignificant.  For one article on the issue, take a look on this page that compares man-made greenhouse gas emissions to natural greenhouse gas emissions .  There are more…if you are interested, just do a google search.

[Update 13 March 2007] See this post with an update on this issue

You can comment

Ok, I found and downloaded a comment module for Joomla.  You should be able to leave comments now.  Over the next few weeks, I'll be redoing all the old comments people left.

 Well, I spoke too soon.  The component didn't work.  I'll keep testing it over the next month or so and see if I can get it working.

Ok, comments are up and they appear to work.  Let me know if you have any problems. 

I’ve been blogging how long?

Last year, I moved my blog from to  At that time, my plan was to keep techs4jesus hosted with halfprice hosting.  Well, due to some changes they made, I decided to move techs4jesus to 1&1 too.  When I did that, my blog quit working.  I wasn't actively maintaining it, so it wasn't any bug deal.  However, with the redesign of, I decided I would import all that old content.  Well, I came across the first blog post I ever made.  Here is a link to it in its new location.

I can't believe I have been blogging since 27 February 2005.  Over two years! 

Lunchtime Gaming — 9 March 2007

Well, today I tried to get some people together at work to play some games at lunch (like JavaJack and others of us used to do at NiSource).  I had several people say they were interested but couldn't come today.  Turns out that no one showed up.  Cry What a bummer.  Oh well, I won't let this keep me from not trying.  I'll try again next week.