Well, my post this week is less about persecution and more about a reflection of the past year. 1.5 years ago when I signed up for the Voice of the Martyrs and PersecutionBlog's Blogosphere program, I committed to several things:
1. Place an banner on your site signifying that you blog for VOM.
2. Agree to do a minimum of two posts per month about Christian persecution mentioning Voice of the Martyrs with a link to the main website, the Persecution Blog, and/or the newsletter.
Pretty simple, huh? Well, for the first several months, I did a great job. Then, Cyndi and I moved to Richmond. Then I set up a new website. Then, I got busy at work. Then we went to Serbia. Then, Cyndi and I had a baby. Then I was migrating everything to this new site. Then….well, you get the idea. I could make many excuses, but the fact of the matter is I slacked off. My posts went from several per week to barely the two per month. Since the beginning of the year, I haven't even posted once about the persecuted church. So, from today on, I'm going to get back on the ball.
I thought I would start by listing the ways everyone out there could help our brothers and sisters around the world:
1. Pray. But how do you know what to pray for? Why not sign up for VOM's e-mail newsletter at www.persecution.com.
2. Pray. You could also choose a prisoner listed at www.prisoneralert.com.
3. Give. Our brothers and sisters need the Word. Why not sign up to send Bibles into restricted nations through the Bibles Unbound program.
4. Give. VOM, like all ministries, needs support. Why not give to them directly?
5. Read. Why not educate yourself on matters involving persecuted Christians around the world. You could choose a book from the VOM bookstore or hop over to PersecutionBlog.com.
6. Help Others. Once you have read your book, why not pass it onto someone else. Believe it or not, there are still people out there that think persecution is a thing of the past.
7. Blog. As part of helping educate others, why not join the VOM blogosphere yourself.