Little One and I had a good check-up on Tuesday. The heartbeat was strong and Dr. Royal was pleased with "our" progress. It was another short visit, just the basics. I am REALLY looking forward to the big ultrasound, which is scheduled for Monday, September 11 (we leave the next day for our trip to Serbia). I'll be just about 20 weeks and if Little One is cooperative, we should know whether or not to get the camo crib stuff from Cabela's :^)
On another note, I've been meaning to let everyone know about the unique nickname the baby has acquired. I went along on a youth retreat a few weeks ago. We were talking about baby names in the van and Todd (the youth pastor) and Sheila (one of the youth workers) were "helping" with name suggestions. After obscure bible names, they started looking to personal license plates and road signs for inspiration. Coco came from a plate and Moomaw came from the name of a lake in Virginia, so Coco Moomaw…Coco for short…has become an unofficial nickname. It's kinda cute, though for Matt and my dad, the cuteness was short-lived. Oh well, if we find out Isaac is on the way, Coco can be forgotten:^) Then again, if we're having a girl…