My Thoughts on the 2006 Southern Baptist Convention in Greensboro, NC

Sorry for the lack of posting this week. Cyndi and I went to the Southern Baptist Convention and Pastor's Conference and just got back home yesterday. I wanted to live blog from the convention, but I decided not to try that hassle.

I want to go to San Antonio next year….perhaps then. Anyway, if you are interested in reading what I thought, you'll have to read more (hint…click the link below). Continue reading “My Thoughts on the 2006 Southern Baptist Convention in Greensboro, NC”

Interesting Quote

I hadn't posted a quote in quite a while, and I came across this one while surfing this morning:

If the church believes the Bible, and truly wants to practice it, put Baptist on the sign.


Before everyone gets all upset, I don't really agree with this.  It's just funny.  Funny in a "boy that will tick of the liberals" kind of way.  However, there are many many churches that have a Baptist label that you shouldn't go to.  There are churches that don't have Baptist in the name that are Baptistic and would be good to go to….they just don't have it in their name.  Remember, you are the person responsible for what is going on….  You need to do the research to find out if the church you are joining agrees with what the Bible says (what you believe should line up with the Bible too don't forget)

Middle East Persecution

Voices of the Faithful Cover Cyndi and I have been reading the book Voices of the Faithful. For those who don't know, this is a daily devotional book written by International Mission Board missionaries.

Each month focuses on a different area. January was God's Character, February was God's Word, etc…. June's theme is Persecution.

Anyway, last night's devotion dealt with persecution in the Middle East. I tried to scan the page so everyone could read it, but it didn't work. The scripture was 1 Peter 4:13:

But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

Here are some quotes from the devotion:

While in Europe, he [a Muslim living and working in Europe] became a Christian. Before he returned to his home country in the Middle East, he told his family of his decision to follow Christ. Consequently, the family waited for him at the airport upon hsi return, bringing law officers to have him imprisioned. He is now out of prison and working as an electrician, but he has been disinherited by his family and experiences discrimination in his profession. In spite of all this, he is a joyful witness to others.

The devotion goes on to tell the story of another former Muslim names Mohammed:

[He] became a believer and dynamic witness. He visited another country in the Middle East and distributed the Word. The group that he was with became so effective at spreading the Word that militant Islamic groups decided to put a stop to their work. They murdered Mohammed by placing a bomb in his apartment. He was buried in that country, because his family had disowned him and refused to accept his body.

How about us? Would we as believers share our new-found faith with our family and choose to return to the country knowing what was going to happen? Once released from prision, would be able to be a "joyful witness?" Would we be willing to leave our home country and go somewhere different to spread the Good News? Would we be willing to go to that other country knowing we could get killed for our faith?

Why do we in America shy away from sharing our faith? Currently, we aren't going to get killed or thrown in jail for sharing, but we don't stand up like we ought. Why aren't we salt and light as we are called to be?

I read and hear stories about great revivals in the world and in our own country and wonder why God doesn't do that today. Is it because the church has become like the church of Laodecia in Revelation? We think we are "a bag of chips and all that" and have everything together, but in reality we are really dead.

Would we come under more persecution in America if we were to actually stand up for God and what He says is right?

I'll readily admit that I don't witness like I ought. I don't always stand up for Christ like I ought. I don't pray like I ought. I don't study the Bible like I ought. The desire is there….I just don't always know how to balance American Life and what "ought." I wrote this post for the Persecution Blog Canival tomorrow because the devotion jumped at me so. Hopefully it will be posted. If you read this, pray that God will reveal to Cyndi and myself how we can do the right thing and live like we ought. Pray that we would honor Christ and don't let down our fellow brothers and sisters in chains around the world.



Stolen Sidekick

I was surfing tonight and came across this guy's page about a recently stolen sidekick.  I thought I would link to it just in case any of you were interested in reading about how dumb criminals can be.

Before you click the link, some of the language can be a bit harsh….so, now that you have been warned…..

Read more about the saga of the stolen sidekick

Feds Seize Million Dollar Bill?

I was reading WorldNetDaily this morning when I came across this article talking about the Secret Service seizing counterfit million dollar bills.

Basically, it boils down to this:

As WorldNetDaily reported, the controversy began Thursday when the agents visited the Great News Network in Denton, Texas, and threatened to arrest staffer Tim Crawford for hiding evidence in a counterfeiting investigation. The agents took 8,300 tracts and left their business cards and a receipt.

The Christian group argues, however, that "million-dollar" bills can't be counterfeited because they don't exist, and the tracts – which include a "not legal tender" disclaimer on the front – present the Christian salvation message on the opposite side.

So, to Ray Comfort, the Great News Network, and Living Waters Ministries, I say keep going.  I'd stick with this and fight it.  As you say:

"The thinking is that if agents show a judge a copy of the $1 million tract, he would laugh till he cried and then, after catching his breath, he would thank the agents for a good laugh and then ask them to stop wasting his time," he explained.