Mua Say So — Under Persecution

This evening, I received an alert from Voice of the Martyrs about a Christian brother in Vietnam who is under persecution. His name is Mua Say So and he needs our prayers.



VOM says:

In 2002, police and militia burst into Mua Say So’s home and beat and tortured his four married brothers in front of their families. His younger brother, Mua Bua Senh, died after he was beaten twice mercilessly. Seeking justice for his brother’s murder, So tried to petition the government. He photographed his brother lying in the coffin along with a sign that said, “Beaten to death because of following the gospel.” Because of this action, he was later arrested and charged with the murder. During his hearing in April 2003, Mua Say So was sentenced to three years in prison for murdering his brother and for falsely accusing the police. He lost his house, and his wife fled with their children to a safe area.

They go on to say:

Mua Say So is not allowed to pray over his food. The police told him if he would deny God, he would be released. He continues to stand firm in his faith, following Jesus.

Let's remember our brother. We need to pray for his strength, his family, and his endurance. Actually, I changed my mind…let's just pray that God would use this situation to His glory and the growth of the kingdom. Along with that, let's pray that God would give our brother whatever he needs to continue keeping on being a good ambasador for our Lord and Savior.

If you want to do more than pray, VOM's Prisoner Alert has suggestions on their profile page for Mua Say So.

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