
Every week we have chapel at work. It isn't manditory for anyone to attend; however, I usually do. It breaks up the week and helps keep me focused on why we are here. Anyway, at this week's chapel, an MK spoke. She was born overseas, lived overseas her entire life, and only came back to America to go to college. She has since graduated and is going back overseas. Her story was very moving–I won't go into all the details, but she arrived in America shortly before the Sept. 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. Well, back on track.

Her story would have been similar to that of a "real" military brat. One who was born in Germany, and moved every 2-3 years to bases here in the US and around the world. She talked of the struggles she had to relate to America having never lived here.

Intertwined with this was three ways we can pray for MKs as their parents are on the field. I'll post them here so I can remember them and to share them with you:

Pray for their ministry — Pray that the MKs would find their purpose and how to be involved with God where they are. Give them a sense of purpose and being.
Pray for their family life — Some MKs are sent to boarding school where they are separated from their parents. Some MKs have to learn how to interact in a foreign culture as 6th or 7th graders. This can put a stress on the family.
Pray for their sense of purpose — Pray that they would have a sense of purpose where they are. "Home" could be multiple places and in multiple countries. They need to know that God is where they are and they need to be with God (wherever that may be).

edited 8 Aug by Matt. I added the third thing to the list

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