Well, we are really in Richmond now. Cyndi left Columbus on May 19th and arrived in Richmond on the 20th. I left work at NiSource early Friday afternoon and arrived in Richmond late that night. We took pictures of the move, and I will get those posted once I get a chance to play with the computer at home.
We rented our house with the knowledge that it was dirty–very dirty. However, we knew that a tennant had just moved out, and the landlord sounded like he would get everything cleaned up. Well, what he said and what happened were two different things. Cyndi and my mom arrived the afternoon of the 20th to find the house was in a mess! They haggled with the landlord and were able to get some money to clean the place up. However, the work still had to be done. They spent all afternoon on the 20th cleaning. When my dad and I arrived at midnight, they were still cleaning! Oh, I almost forgot to mention that the City of Richmond–they provide gas and water–showed up but couldn't hook the stuff up because we weren't there! So, Cyndi and my mom had to buy water at Wal-Mart simply to clean the place!!
Once my dad and I arrived, we had to unpack the fish, get the fish tank set up, etc… Well, once that was all done, it was 2am. Cyndi had gotten us a room at the AmeriSuites–remember, no water–so once the fish were up, I was beat. Cyndi and my mom were tired because they had been cleaning all day. We went back to the hotel, took showers, and crashed.
We woke up the next morning at 7am–the alarm didn't go off–and had to rush to get ready because the driver had told Cyndi he would be there at 8am. We show up at our place at 7:40 am, and the driver is already there! We were hoping to have a little time to clean some more before he showed up, but we were able to deal with it.
So, the movers got the truck unloaded, the house was mostly clean, and we simply had to unpack. That afternoon–this is Saturday–we went out and bought window AC units. My dad helped me put those in (THANKS Dad!). Saturday was my dad's birthday, so we had him a Baskin Robbin's Ice Cream Cake. We were planning on watching Revenge of the Sith Satuday, but that didn't work out.
So, to sum everything up, the house was a mess when we moved in. Cyndi, my mom, and my Dad all worked very hard to get everything in shape. Cyndi is working at home unpacking stuff while I am working at the IMB. We still have some things to do; however, everything is coming together nicely.