Well, today I was going to start riding my bike to work. I was all excited! I got up, got ready, went out to get on my bike and guess what–the tire was flat. I didn't want to take the time right then to fix it so I ran back inside, changed my clothes, and drove. I was bummed out. However, I guess it wasn't all bad. I drove the first part of the ride to see how busy the roads are. So, tonight, I have to fix my bike tire, and I'll start riding tomorrow.
By the way, if you live close enough to work, I would encourage you to ride a bike. Not to save money on gas (although that is a big plus today), not to save the environment, not to get exercise, but to enjoy being outdoors. When I'm riding, it is just a great experience.
I rode 22 miles just for fun on Saturday, but I would think anything 10 miles or less would be a nice commute ride. I'm going to ride a hair under 10 miles each way and it will take me about 40 minutes.
If it is something you are interested in, make sure you do some reseach. The best route with a car isn't the best way on a bike. I would suggest BikeForums.net. They have a forum devoted to commuting. I have found the people in the forums to be very helpful.