Just to let everyone know, right now I'm feeling encouraged. I have heard back from some contacts with Mission Service Corps explaining the process, how things work, etc…. Just to help everyone else who may be looking into this, here is the process:
You should go to www.namb.net and work your way into the MSC page. There you will find lots of information, as well as downloadable forms for applying to be MSC: the first step. One of the requirements is a recommendation from your Pastor (A Southern Baptist Church). If you are approved, you will be invited to attend an Orientation where you will learn about Southern Baptist, What it means to be On Mission, some about raising your support, and other areas, i.e. "are you really called". Normally Mike's organization will then try to match you and your skills with the needs we have on file, and put you in touch with the one that has the need. Once an agreeable match is found, you will be assigned.
This is cool because I have a meeting scheduled with my pastor for Wedneday to talk to him. I want to find out from him what he wants to know prior to presenting us to the church. Part of my thinking is that this will help Cyndi and I better determine if this is what God wants or not.
I have one other tidbit to share too. While at the Ohio Evengelism Celebration, I spoke with Bruce Smith (the Associate Executire Director of the SCBO). I gave him my card, and we said we would be in touch. Well, today, I had an e-mail from him telling me of an opportunity in Cleveland. I have sent an e-mail and asked for more information on what the job entails; however, it appears to be a full-time position.
Please keep praying that God will lead Cyndi and I to where he wants us to go.