Last night, we had dinner at Logan’s Roadhouse. They have the best hamburgers! I don’t know what they do to them, but the beef has a great flavor. Since the movie we wanted to see wasn’t playing anymore, we decided to come back to our place and hang out.
Our men’s Bible study met at 8am Saturday. The Saturday group is doing a study on communication called Love Talk by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott. The goal of the study is to help us learn how to communicate with our wife better. This communication will help our marriages grow stronger and allow us to be more effective for God.
Our church–Highland Baptist Church— is prepping to do a 40 Days of Purpose campaign. I’m excited about it! We are going to have small groups meeting around the city. I’m even thinking about doing one at work. I need to talk to my boss, but I think we can meet one day a week at lunchtime for six weeks. I think it will be particularly effective esecially considering the outsourcing (well, potential outsourcing) announcement.
[Update 2011-01-09 22:22:06] Edited the book link to the kindle version