Lack of Posts

Sorry for the lack of posts the past few weeks. Cyndi and I are very involved in our pending relocation to Richmond. I may or may not have time to post until after Memorial Day.

Flight Simulator

Are you a flight nit? Ever own Microsoft Flight Simulator? Ever wonder how it started and evolved? Alan found this site the other day, and it is very interesting. Enjoy.


Ok, thanks to Alan, comments are now showing up in correct chronological order.

[Update 10 March 2007] I'm n the process of migrating posts from my old blog to  This post doesn't apply here. 


I had a friend e-mail me and ask why I showed e-mail addresses on comments. Well, if you enter your e-mail address, it will show on the comments. For right now, I think I will leave it that way. Only enter your e-mail address if you want it to show up…you have all the control.

This same guy also pointed out that I may want to arrange my comments in chronological order. I need to read the code, but I'll get it going soon. That is a good idea and will make them easier to read.

[Update 10 March 2007] I'm in the process of migrating my old blog posts to  This doesn't apply here. 

Cool New Pill Bottle

I was surfing today and came across this new pill bottle design. It looks very neat and well organized. Definantly unique. Here is a summary of the features found on the bottle:

(1) Easy I.D.
(2) Code red.
(3) Information hierarchy. (4) Upside down to save paper.
(5) Green is for Grandma.
(6) An info card that’s hard to lose.
(7) Take “daily.”
(8) Clear warnings.


I happen to really like popcorn. My dad loves the stuff. My grandpa makes great popcorn. I won't go into the really good high cholesterol version we used to eat–poped in nothing but bacon grease, lots of butter, and just the right amount of salt. You had to wash your hands when you got done eating that stuff. It was great! But, did you ever wonder why you end up with old maids? Well, some researchers have done a study and claim to have it figured out. You can read the article here. In short,

Unpopped kernels, it turns out, have leaky hulls that prevent the moisture pressure buildup needed for them to pop and lack the optimal hull structure that allows most kernels to explode.

Evolution and Fairytale

My buddy Alan, sent me an interesting link. Here is a brief description from their website:

The primary focus of this website is to present a satirical look at the fairy tale of molecules-to-man evolution, demonstrating via graphical presentations the silliness an evolutionish must resort to in order to reconcile science with his faith in evolution.

I hope you all enjoy! Answers in Genesis can provide more detailed information on creation.

AIG Speaks Out

In This blog entry of mine, I referenced a new find of TRex soft tissue. Well, AIG's Ken Ham is speaking out about how that find ties in very well with what creationists believe. Here is a link to the news article.

Ken Ham, president of the creationist group Answers in Genesis (AiG), says this important find supports the biblical view of the Earth's timeline. "The reason this is such startling news is because you just wouldn't expect soft tissue and cells like this in a bone supposedly 70 million years old," he says.

But what AiG scientists would say about the find, Ham observes, "is that it's totally consistent with the fact that these bones aren't that old and probably date back to the time of the flood just a few thousand years ago." However, he doubts evolutionists will give consideration to the possibility that the T-Rex bones are only thousands rather than millions of years old.

"Nothing has been found, nothing in observational science, that contradicts what the Bible says," the AIG spokesman contends, "but over and over, it does contradict the ideas of evolutionists."

Intelligent Design Blog

Baptist Press yesterday also ran an article talking about a new Intelligent Design Blog. I have skimmed the site and it looks interesting.

Please realize as you read their site that intelligent design is not the same belief that creationists like Answers in Genesis hold to. I have linked to this blog simply to make others aware of it. Intelligent design simply takes the position that there was someone/thing involved in designing the world. It would allow for evolution, the big bang, millions of years, etc…. On the other hand, creationists would hold to the position that God (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; my Lord and Savior) created the world in six days–six literal 24 hour days. If you want to record the account of creation, follow the link to Genesis chapters 1 and 2.

Which one am I? A creationist, of course. I believe that God created everything in six 24 hour days. It was created without sin and without death. In fact, the Bible says that once He was done, God called everything he had created "…very good…." Sin and Death entered into the picture after man was tempted by Satan and chose to sin. That account is found in Genesis chapter 3.