kudos Dave martin

He said we need to get buy-in before the situation gets better.

We say this all the time at work.  But the challenge for us is hot to get people to care?  It seems like no one cxares…everyone has the “I’ve got nothing to hide”


my question

Neat.  They took my question on the RSA/NSA…although like Bruce schriner mentioned….what they said revealed a lot.

My question dealt with the new (this week) revelation that the NSA had some backdoors into encryption products from the RSA.  They answered it in terms of elliptical curve cryptography… Not the new one.

I’ll have to post some links when I get home.

[Update 2014-04-02 16:52] here’s an updated article from today that backs up what the guy said: it wasn’t really (he said ever) used.  http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/04/02/extended_random_nsa_rsa_bsafe/


direct vs indirect losses

Really?  £1.65 in in direct losses for every £1.00 of direct losses due to fraud?  I’m sure there are…but that seems really high


Vodaphone and NATO

A partnership between vodaphone and NATO was just mentioned…..wonder what that is or could be?


In London I Always Feel Like Such a Hick

The closest thing to a desss code at my office is business casual.  But we aren’t picky about it.  Whenever I come to London for things I feel like such a hick.  I’d have to go buy clothes if I ever had to dress like most business people here.


US Secret Service

I’m being tracked now.  Like listening to the secret service talk about cybercrime

[Update 2014-04-02 13:49] I bet the British find this guys use of banging… hilarious.

[Update 2014-04-02 14:25] holy cow he talked fast.  I haven’t heard English spoken that fast in a while
