
President Seal

This year, 2012, is an election year in the US.  We elect the President/Vice President, all of the House of Representatives, and 1/3 of the Senate.  There’s also loads of local and state elections.  That means everyone in the US is being bombarded with political ads trying to get people to vote for the “best” candidate.  I’ve thought about this whole process and have come to the conclusion that…..

What I would like to have candidates focus on more than what they will “do” is what they “think” and what their principles are.  What do I mean?  Well, instead of listening to candidate A say they will cut the budget deficit by 1/2 or candidate b say that they’ll extend unemployment benefits, I would rather have them tell me that they have lived their lives guided by the principle that one shouldn’t spend more than they take in.  Or say something like I believe life begins at conception.

Why do I think this is needed?  Well, everyone knows that politicians lie.  When people hear anyone say “I will do XXXX” they know it isn’t going to happen.  Why?  Firstly, whatever it is, it has to pass the congress.  What happens when it doesn’t?  How will this particular individual respond when their first plan doesn’t work?  What ideals and principles guide them behind that.

Image from mtsm from flickr

Now, I’m sure there is still room for laying out a broad “In my 4 years as President I will introduce a bill to XXXXX” or “If I’m elected to the House of Representatives I will write and introduce a bill to XXXX.”  But if they focus on guiding principles and explaining who they are, I think people would be better informed and able to make a good decision. 

In 10-20 years, this will be a bigger issue

869 Paris-Marais

Hands up if you’ve ever bought music from Apple’s iTunes?  What about a book from Amazon on the Kindle?  Yep, I’ve done both (although, I’m moving away from Apple and to Amazon), and I’m sure you have too.  What is your view about what happens when you die?  I’m sure you haven’t thought about…or if you have you’ve assumed that your kids would have them.  For me, this is an issue because I’ve taken to buying digital books and music exclusively (well, where possible) But…..

Have a look at this article:  Bruce Willis is talking about suing Apple so his kids can have his iTunes music collection.  Why is this such a big deal?  Well, because if you have bought digital books or music, I assume you haven’t thought about it.  I assume you assume that your kids will get the “stuff” just like any of your other stuff.  BUT, that isn’t the case.  By default, you can’t transfer the “stuff” to another person.  In 10, 20, 40, or 50 years when people start dying and want to transfer these digital assets to their kids, I think some kids are in for a large shock when they don’t get it (under current law).  So, if he does sue them and win, it will be a game changer in this realm.

[Update 2012-12-26 09:46:54] Edited a few links

Image from i am not i via flickr