New Menu Item Added

We’ve been having many people ask us what they can send us.  When that happens, we are usually at a loss.  While there are a few things we need, there aren’t many things we really want.  We think about them on the spur of the moment then promptly forget them.  They are simply “nice-to-haves.”  So, we decided to add a wishlist to our website.

What’s the point?  Isn’t that kind of selfish?  Well, really all it will be is a place for us to put things that we have wanted.  If you want to send us something, check it out.  The purpose isn’t to ask for things, so don’t feel bound to send us anything on the wish list.  It’s just there so we can remember things.  But, if we are going to track things, I don’t want to hold that information tight.  I want to share it.

So, to access it, either click the wishlist link in the main navigation menu (over on the left) or click this link .


In response to someone asking about watching the Dukes of Hazzard (the TV show not the movie):

“I’d rather sit in the corner, pick my nose, and wiat for the lightbulbs to burn out!”

u kaficu (in the cafe)


Here in Serbia, when you are in a cafe, you can say у кафичу (u kafiču if you don’t like cyrillic). In the cafe esentially. In the kafe, a popular drink is Turkish Serb Coffee and кисла вода (mineral water…with gas…fizzy water…whatever you want to call it). Anyway, it is fairly popular and I like it. But, what is more interesting is that people here actually have time to sit and chat over a cup of coffee until it gets cold. Folks, that would never happen in the US.

The next time you grab your cup-o-joe in the morning, this of the Serbs. Pray that they would have an opportinity to hear the Gospel and believe.

Wash Me

Remember how in the US when you’d see a dirty car, you’d want to write wash me all over the back windows? Yeah…come on…admit it. You know you always want to. Well, here the language is different, but the meaning is the same. I bet you a dollar you can figure out what опери ме means.



Want a new version of the Bible? Why not check out TKB. Especially for all of you Star Trek Fans (or even Galaxy Quest). Sheesh…people will do anything?


Cooking in the Field

This thing is made to cook mushrooms in the wild. If you follow the link, you’ll see what looks like an uppety french guy cooking his wild mushrooms. But, I think this has great application for cooking other things in the field. How about that fresh deer liver? How about trout? How about frying up a nice fresh squirel? See what I mean?

[Update 08-24-2008 16:13:02] I forgot the link.  Here it is .