Evolution and Fairytale

My buddy Alan, sent me an interesting link. Here is a brief description from their website:

The primary focus of this website is to present a satirical look at the fairy tale of molecules-to-man evolution, demonstrating via graphical presentations the silliness an evolutionish must resort to in order to reconcile science with his faith in evolution.

I hope you all enjoy http://www.evolutionfairytale.com/! Answers in Genesis can provide more detailed information on creation.

Bike Ride

Well, today in Columbus, the weather was so nice, I decided to go for a bike ride. I was gone about 2 hours (of which about 1 hr 45 min was spent riding.) and went about 22.5 miles. On the way home, I did have some trouble with my bike (the chain came off the front sproket and got stuck). To fix it, I had to borrow a screwdriver from a gentleman who was moring is grass. If not for him, I would have had to walk the 8 miles back home.

Well, along these lines, I think it is light enough in the mornings, so I'm going to start riding my bike to work once again. I'm looking forward to it. Riding is a great way to get outdoors (and to beat the high gas prices too). Some day, I'll post some pictures of my ride to or from work so everyone can see the scenery I do.

Christians in Iran

We need to pray for this colonel in the Iranian army. WorldNetDaily.com linked to this story. It seems like our brother converted “…many years ago…” but it has just now become an issue. He was arrested in 2004 when police raided a church meeting.

The only thing I know to is pray. I guess we could always contact the Iranian Embassy in Washington. On second thought, that may be interesting. Here is a link to the Iranian Embassy homepage. It has their address in Washinton.

If you do want to write a letter, Voice of the Martyrs has some good information about writing letters.

[Update 2012-12-26 15:08:54] The link to the news story changed and I couldn’t find the story so I removed it. The old link was http://www.adnki.com/index_2Level.php?cat=Religion&loid=8.0.148077134&par=0

AIG Speaks Out

In This blog entry of mine, I referenced a new find of TRex soft tissue. Well, AIG's Ken Ham is speaking out about how that find ties in very well with what creationists believe. Here is a link to the news article.

Ken Ham, president of the creationist group Answers in Genesis (AiG), says this important find supports the biblical view of the Earth's timeline. "The reason this is such startling news is because you just wouldn't expect soft tissue and cells like this in a bone supposedly 70 million years old," he says.

But what AiG scientists would say about the find, Ham observes, "is that it's totally consistent with the fact that these bones aren't that old and probably date back to the time of the flood just a few thousand years ago." However, he doubts evolutionists will give consideration to the possibility that the T-Rex bones are only thousands rather than millions of years old.

"Nothing has been found, nothing in observational science, that contradicts what the Bible says," the AIG spokesman contends, "but over and over, it does contradict the ideas of evolutionists."

Intelligent Design Blog

Baptist Press yesterday also ran an article talking about a new Intelligent Design Blog. I have skimmed the site and it looks interesting.

Please realize as you read their site that intelligent design is not the same belief that creationists like Answers in Genesis hold to. I have linked to this blog simply to make others aware of it. Intelligent design simply takes the position that there was someone/thing involved in designing the world. It would allow for evolution, the big bang, millions of years, etc…. On the other hand, creationists would hold to the position that God (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; my Lord and Savior) created the world in six days–six literal 24 hour days. If you want to record the account of creation, follow the link to Genesis chapters 1 and 2.

Which one am I? A creationist, of course. I believe that God created everything in six 24 hour days. It was created without sin and without death. In fact, the Bible says that once He was done, God called everything he had created "…very good…." Sin and Death entered into the picture after man was tempted by Satan and chose to sin. That account is found in Genesis chapter 3.

Me and My Church

I subscribe to the e-mail version of the Baptist Press. Yesterday, they had this story.

I have written several posts about the state of church in America and why we are no longer effective. This article has several good points about the state of the church, what is needed, and why. Here are some teasers:

In the church the word "revival" often refers to a series of special meetings, usually with an out-of-town singer or speaker. However, the word itself is summed up in what was done for me under the table and what was done for the bride at church — to bring out of a state of unconsciousness and restore to full alertness. 

Today, let's pray for the Lord to revive His people and His church. Starting with me and my church.


Interesting Quote

A buddy of mine is looking for a new job, and he has started poking around the site of EM&I. He came across this presentation that had this quote in it:

“Geese honk from behind to encourage their leader. When the lead goose gets tired, a goose from the flock flies forward and assumes the leadership position. If a wounded goose goes down, two geese follow it and stay with it until it gets better or dies. The flock changes as the work changes. Geese fly in a "V." They land in waves and they feed in groups of four.”

–From "People Factor" September 2003 Edition

I never thought of it that way, but that is an interesting take on leadership. A leader needs encouraged. People pick up slack as others get tired or things change. There is a caring for those involved in the team.

Bike Ride

Cyndi and I took our bikes and rode along the Scioto River yesterday. If you want to see where it is click here. Notice the 33 symbol near the bottom of the map? 33 is Riverside Drive. Look between Riverside and the river? Notice that little road? Well, it extends about 2 miles from the dam (I beleive it is Griggs dam) north. It is a very pleasant ride. The road isn't busy at all.

Once we were done, I decided to ride home just to get a bit more of a workout. Overall, the ride was great. It feels good to get back in the saddle and do some riding.

How to Act in Church

I subscribe to an e-mail list by David Cloud. I don't agree with everything he says, but all of it is usually a good read and makes you think about what you really think about certain subjects.

One thing that really bugs me is how unrespectful people are while the pastor is preaching. Today, Mr. Cloud's e-mail dealt with this very thing. I cannot find the entire article on his website, so I have posted the e-mail in its entirety here. I couldn't find anything on Mr. Cloud's website about what he considers acceptable use of his material, but I think this falls under fair use. If you are the copyright holder and want this document removed, please contact me and it shall be done.

Here are the main points made by Mr. Cloud in his e-mail:


"But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15).


Of these, there are two that aggravate me to no end: #2 and #4. I work sound at Highland, and so we get to see everything that goes on in the service. You wouldn't believe the number of people who wander in and out, out and in while the service is going on. I don't understand. And, if that weren't enough, the invitation is the time in the service for people to respond to God's call on their life. It isn't time to put on your coat, gather you stuff, or, worst of all, walk out of the service to beat the rush out of the parking lot! If God isn't dealing with you, you should pray that others in the service would allow God to work in their life (and you probably should be trying to figure out why God didn't say anything to you that Sunday!).

In short, remember we don't go to church to be entertained. We don't even go to church to hear what the preacher has to say. We go to church to 1)Worship Almighty God and 2)Hear what He has to say to us through the preacher.