Interesting Quote

I hadn't posted a quote in quite a while, and I came across this one while surfing this morning:

If the church believes the Bible, and truly wants to practice it, put Baptist on the sign.


Before everyone gets all upset, I don't really agree with this.  It's just funny.  Funny in a "boy that will tick of the liberals" kind of way.  However, there are many many churches that have a Baptist label that you shouldn't go to.  There are churches that don't have Baptist in the name that are Baptistic and would be good to go to….they just don't have it in their name.  Remember, you are the person responsible for what is going on….  You need to do the research to find out if the church you are joining agrees with what the Bible says (what you believe should line up with the Bible too don't forget)


Heard spoken by a NiSource employee about the AssetCenter interface:

I need a GUI for the GUI.



I'm going to start posting interesting quotes I hear. They may be daily, weekly, monthly, or as I hear them. These will always be things I have either read or heard. I may or may not post who said it: sometimes I may not know, and sometimes I want to protect the "source". I hope you enjoy.

Interesting Quote

A buddy of mine is looking for a new job, and he has started poking around the site of EM&I. He came across this presentation that had this quote in it:

“Geese honk from behind to encourage their leader. When the lead goose gets tired, a goose from the flock flies forward and assumes the leadership position. If a wounded goose goes down, two geese follow it and stay with it until it gets better or dies. The flock changes as the work changes. Geese fly in a "V." They land in waves and they feed in groups of four.”

–From "People Factor" September 2003 Edition

I never thought of it that way, but that is an interesting take on leadership. A leader needs encouraged. People pick up slack as others get tired or things change. There is a caring for those involved in the team.