
I think this is probably the best image I’ve seen from the #Richmond2ARally held yesterday. It’s simply so understated. The attitude of a true American. The sign implies that he is living his live how he wants…not by the government’s leave…and if they don’t like it, they can come sort it out.

[update 21 Jan 2020] I tried to find the source of this image to credit where I found it. I found it last night on Twitter but didn’t save who posted it. If you are out there and you are the photographer, get in touch. I’ll give you credit


From https://customerservice.starbucks.co.uk/app/answers/detail/a_id/3854/kw/Filter

Any customer who purchases a Filter Coffee to stay in one of our participating stores in the UK or Ireland, can enjoy a free Tall refill on us.

Customers must retain their mug and provide this to the barista when redeeming their refill. Once you leave the store, your visit has ended and any subsequent coffee refill thereafter would be considered a new purchase.

I just learnt about this a few days ago.