In London I Always Feel Like Such a Hick

The closest thing to a desss code at my office is business casual.  But we aren’t picky about it.  Whenever I come to London for things I feel like such a hick.  I’d have to go buy clothes if I ever had to dress like most business people here.


sorry mr. secret service guy….

Violating the constitution hasn’t prevented anything.

Also…no one in government has to do with less year after year.  The budget and debt goes up every year.

[Update 2014-04-02 14:12] I also don’t feel bad that you guys have to follow the law.  The purpose of the constitution and other laws are to keep the government honest……


US Secret Service

I’m being tracked now.  Like listening to the secret service talk about cybercrime

[Update 2014-04-02 13:49] I bet the British find this guys use of banging… hilarious.

[Update 2014-04-02 14:25] holy cow he talked fast.  I haven’t heard English spoken that fast in a while


WOT — Day 2

Weights 279

I still haven’t found my fabric measuring tape.

FatSecret for 11 April 2014
Weight: 112 kg
Waist: n/a
Neck: n/a
Body Fat as reported by DietAndFitnessToday: n/a
Total Weight Loss: -2 kg (from a start of 110)

Image from loonyhiker via flickr