New Phone Number

Cyndi and I have a new phone number.  If you want to try it out, call (804) 335-0835.

BTW, this is a Private Phone phone number.  I’ll post back in a few weeks to let you know how I like the service.  So far, it sounds neat.  I can give this number out to people and I don’t care if they sell it.  It’s only a voicemail service….people call, get prompted to leave a message, then we can call them back if they want.  I’m going to start giving this number out instead of our home #.

[Update 2011-01-18 07:55:11] Private phone went bust about 3 years ago.  And, I didn’t find this as useful as it may have been anyway.  BUT, today, Google Voice works great as a replacement for this….

[Update 2012-12-25 22:34:42] Removed the link to since it has been dead for some time.

Christianity/Islam Videos

I came across Pflander Films on YouTube and thought I would post a link to their videos here.  I haven't watched all of them, so I'm not vouching for them.  However, the ones I have watched pose some good information for those involved in the Christian/Muslim/Islam debate.

Pflander Films on You Tube

Stroller Thing

Well, Cyndi and I decided on a stroller thing.  We had orginially registered for one, but then we decided to go to Babies R Us and try a few out.  We decided to return the one that someone bought for us (thanks mom and dad) for a different model.  We tried colapsing and uncolapsing all of them and this was the only (THE ONLY) one that colapsed with one hand and didn't fall flat on the ground when you did it.

After we use it for a bit, we'll post how we like it.  Check back in January/February for more information.

EddieBauerAdventurerTravelSystem.gif EddieBauerAdventurerTravelSystem.jpg

Wood for 2006/2007 Winter is IN!


Well, I thought I would let everyone know that I’ve managed to get Cyndi and I’s wood in for this winter.  We had some friends who had a bunch of wood but nothing to do with it.  They let us have it!  It was awesome!  We ended up with about 2 cords of wood (a cord is a stack of wood 4 feet wide x 4 feet tall x 8 feet long.  Or 128 cubic feet).  Here are some pictures if you want to have a look.

[Update 2012-12-26 13:56:30] Linked to pictures on flickr

Chocolate Chip Cream Cheese Ball/Dip

8oz cream cheese — softened
1/2 c butter — softened
1/4 tsp vanilla
3/4 c powdered sugar
2 Tbsp brown sugar
3/4 c mini chocolate chips
Mix cream cheese, butter, and vanilla.
Mix till smooth. 
Add sugars.  Mix well. 
Mix in chocolate chips. 

Serve on graham crackers.

Thanks to our friend Ronda for the recipie.