Praying for Saudi Arabia

Baptist Press has a story about praying for Saudi Arabia. The requests are reprinted below:

— Pray that God will pour out His Spirit on Saudi Arabs and draw multitudes of people to Himself.

— Pray that God will give the people He draws to Himself the faith they need to believe that Jesus is God's Son and to accept Him as their Lord and Savior.

— Pray that God will appear to many Saudi Arabs in dreams and visions. "I will pour out my Spirit on all people …. Your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions" (Joel 2:28).

— Pray that whole families -– and whole tribes — will come to know Christ as their Savior and Lord.

— Pray that King Abdullah, the royal family and Saudi government leaders will come to know Jesus as Lord.

— Pray for the effectiveness of radio, television, satellite, Internet and other media that bring the Gospel to Saudi Arabs.

— Pray for the persecuted believers in Saudi Arabia, that God will grow His church out of their persecution. Pray for the body of Christ to be strengthened and to grow in purpose and unity throughout the country.

— Fifty percent of the population of Saudi Arabia is under the age of 25. Pray that God will draw Saudi Arab children and youth to Himself and reveal the truth of His salvation and love to them.

— Pray for Saudi Arab women who live under oppression and control from their families and society in general. Pray that God will lift their yoke of oppression and replace it with freedom found only in Christ.

Church Membership

Forquite some time, I have been wondering why it is so easy to join a church. Why don't churches have some way for people to "prove" themselves first? Well, I was surfing and came across an article describing what it took to join a church in 1829. It makes for an interesting read. I think it interesting that the rules are really more just confirming that the person is saved.

Are we this committed?

I was recently reading this Baptist Press article and ran across the following paragraph:

The librarian, who asked to be identified only as Lori, also reported the voracious reading of the Koran among the detainees. The prison initially ordered 1,600 Korans in various languages for $23,000 but has since ordered 200 more, The Times said.

Christians we should take this as a challenge. When was the last time we wore out a Bible? Heck…when was the last time we even picked up a Bible to read? Why not?

Saudi Arabia


The Bible Not Allowed in Saudia Arabia

A report from The Christian Post today is saying that Indians have been warned not to carry the Scriptures into Saudia Arabia.

What is next? Americans working in Saudi Arabia will also be "warned" not to take Bibles into the country? This reminds me of the first Gulf War when the Saudi's didn't want to let our military chaplains into the country or let our soldiers have Bibles. 

I don't know about you, but this makes me want to make sure everyone I know receives a copy of the bible as soon as possible.

Remember, the King James Bible is in the public domain. If you want, you can download a PDF copy of the King James Bible here.

Dukes of Hazzard Movie

I haven’t seen this movie yet. I really did want to see it before reading these reviews…now, I don’t know. I remember growing up we’d have pizza on Friday evenings and watch the “Dukes.” Then, they came out on re-runs on TV. Now, you can even get seasons 1-3 on DVD (I plan to collect them all–skipping the Coy and Vance season, of course).

Has anyone out there seen the movie? Would you like to comment on it? Are the reviews accurate?

The Dukes of Hazzard
Don’t go unless they clean it up

[Update 2012-12-26 16:17:47] I updated the Christianity Today link.  The Cooter link was stale too, but I couldn’t find the link on his new redesigned site.  It was at

Future of SBC

I just got done reading The Future of the SBC. Written by a professor at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Here is a sumarization of the main points he makes:

(1) Doctrinal Integrity – Will Southern Baptists continue to stand for sound doctrine? In particular, are Southern Baptists going to believe in the divine inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture?
Prediction/Warning: Unless Baptists return to expository, Bible-centered preaching and an unswerving commitment to the inerrancy of Scripture, doctrinal drift is inevitable.

(2) Biblical Authority – Will Southern Baptists submit their lives and opinions on the authority of Scripture, or will cultural and pragmatic pressures force us to “reinterpret” the Bible?
Prediction/Warning: Unless Baptists refocus on living under the Lordship of Jesus Christ as ithe Christian life is defined in Scripture, cultural pressures from within and without the church will lead to increased moral compromise and worldliness in our churches.

(3) Baptist Polity – Will Baptists hold to their traditional confessions in issues regarding the doctrine of the church, such as the appropriate practice of church ordinances and the scriptural offices of the church or will we compromise our historic beliefs in order to become more homogenized with other evangelical Christians?
Prediction/Warning: If the current trajectory of Southern Baptists is not redirected, key Baptist distinctives about ecclesiology and church polity will be increasingly compromised and ignored.

(4) Hyper-Calvinistic Soteriology – Will Baptists change their soteriology such that persons are no longer seen as having any capacity to respond to God’s invitation to salvation? Will Baptists take a “hyper-Calvinist turn” than hinders missions and evangelism?
Prediction/Warning: The resurgence of Calvinism will slow over the next few decades, but will exert a stronger influence on the SBC in the future than has been the case in many years.

(5) Denominational Identity – Can Southern Baptists survive as a denomination in what is often depicted as a “post-denominational era”? What does the future hold for Southern Baptists in a day when denominational name brand loyalty is at an all-time low? How will traditional Baptist entities such as Lifeway and NAMB intersect with the emerging church movement? Will the Cooperative Program survive?

Prediction/Warning: Without a course correction in which SBC entities earn again the respect and confidence of Southern Baptists, other evangelical groups will fill the void left by a disconnection between individual Baptists (and their local churches) with the SBC. The day is over that Baptists will use an approach just because of denominational name brand identity.

Comcast Speed

I was surfing the internet this evening and thought I would test my speed. Cyndi and I use Comcast in Richmond VA. The speed was measured using a speed tester.


Ezekiel 36:23

This was our "verse for the week" at work this week. It really struck me, so I thought I would post it here:

23And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes.

Ezekiel 36:23